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ADHD Resources for Educators

What Parents and Teachers Should Know About ADHD - Dr. William Pelham, Ph.D.'s Center for Children and Families at Florida International University has written a brief summary of diagnosing and treating ADHD in children and adolescents.

ADHD Psychosocial Treatment Information Sheet - Dr. Pelham's group has also compiled this helpful information on different psychosocial treatments for ADHD.

ADHD Medication Information Sheet for Parents and Teachers - Dr. Pelham's group has written this helpful guide to understanding the different medications for treating ADHD.

How to Establish a Daily Report Card (School-Home Note) - Dr. Pelham's group has written a set of guidelines to help parents and teachers work together to establish a daily report card for children with ADHD.

Identifying and Treating ADHD - A Resources for School and Home.

NIH Consensus Statement on ADHD - a copy of the important results from a conference of experts in the field of ADHD including important information on diagnosis and treatment.

LDonline - is a website dedicated to providing teachers with information on strategies that can be implemented to help children in their classroom who have ADHD and/or learning disabilities.

Institute of Education Sciences (IES) What Works Clearinghouse - provides information on research-based education practices that can help all students, including those with ADHD.

Khan Academy - is a website providing free educational videos and practice questions on a variety of topics targeted at grades K-12 and beyond.  These short videos (<10 minutes) can be used quickly and easily to supplement existing course work by providing another explanation of a topic.  The short length of these videos may also be beneficial to those with ADHD as they will not be too long to hold your student's attention while still providing your student with valuable information on the topic.